Motorcycle Ministry
After wanting to follow in my father’s footsteps and feeling a need to help people, and after 20yrs service with one of the largest cities in North America as a Professional Firefighter, I eventually find myself here founding 2 different Ministries. A Motorcycle and a Church.
I have been off work over a year on P.T.S.D. , and off alcohol since November of last year. I should be on the Trucks right now as an AC – Acting Captain and my union considers me one as of February of this year, however that was not in God’s design for right now.
We use wind therapy, (motorcycle riding), Horticulture and Gardening that will result in the ability to self produce good food to feed my family, as well as contributing to our community and last but not least… retreats being built for wounded Veterans and their families. This includes a project where 250 acres up north will be utilized for an upscale retreat also made for mentally injured Veterans, Firefighters, Police Officers, and Paramedics and their families.